Over a week ago I announced my intention to post a review of Spider-Man: Far From Home. This is not that post. (The movie is excellent, though.) I had intended on a great many posts, but this is my first since May 26th. Honestly, I’ve just been incredibly busy and overwhelmed with home renovations and planning my wedding. It’s something that I’ve been really frustrated with, though I did find the time to make some updates to my site. Moving forward I hope to get through my backlog of posts and get back to posting regularly, but first I have some exciting news!
I’ve been published!

Yes, it is so small as to be considered micro-press, but a piece of mine is now in an anthology called Tales of the Dawnline. Tales of is a companion short story anthology to a tabletop role-playing game created by the very talented Richard Kelly. The premise is a world where sunlight is lethal and due to some messed up planetary alignment, the sun’s movements on the planet are highly irregular. Humans live in nomadic villages, and many opt to find guardians, vampires to help protect the village from threats beyond nature itself.
What’s really interesting about the world Kelly has created is the wide variety of vampires and monsters that inhabit this world. These are not Bram Stoker’s or Joss Whedon’s vampires, but something much more varied, mysterious, and otherworldly. Even if you aren’t interested in Table Top Role-Playing, the short story anthology presents a really fascinating world– one I’m excited to be a part of.
So this housekeeping/update post is one I’ve been planning for a couple of days, but it was the arrival of the physical book (with my name and words in it!) that inspired me to share this exciting news. Kelly and I have talked about future collaborations, but for now, this is an achievement of a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. While I had hoped to publish a full novel by age 13 like Amelia Atwater-Rhodes did, the story and work I contributed is something I’m incredibly proud of and very excited about!
I hope to have more posts out soon, but for now, I want to say that being published is surreal and I’m excited to have my words live on someone’s bookshelf! Also, I have a new air conditioner which is almost as equally exciting and life-changing!
Tales of the Dawnline is available for purchase both digitally and in print at DriveThruRPG.com and published by Voidspiral Entertainment.